The Rick Walters’ scholarship was established after his untimely and tragic passing in June 2015. In his honor, Rick’s family and friends established the tax-deductible scholarship program through the Minden Soaring Club to help US junior glider pilots achieve what Rick loved the most – soaring and glider contest flying events. Many donations were received after Rick’s passing and hopefully with future contributions, the scholarship fund hopes to help our future young pilots to achieve success in the soaring contest arena.
Rick was a very accomplished soaring pilot and never one to gloat over his soaring awards, he certainly relished winning. He won the following US National Championships:
– 1991 Sports Class in Cordele, GA
– 1991 15-Meter in Hobbs, NM
– 1993 Standard Class in Uvalde, TX
– 1999 18-Meter in Reedsville, PA
– 2008 Sports Class in Montague, CA
– Won the Pre-Worlds in Germany in 2007
– Represented the US as a member of four World Teams in Sweden, Germany, New Zealand and Spain.

To date, the scholarship fund has assisted with matching grants to the Junior US team for the last two years. In 2016, $643 was donated to match towing costs for the Junior Soaring event held at the Texas Soaring Association and in 2017, $920 was donated for the same purpose at the the Junior Team event held in Harris Hill. In the future, the family would like to continue these donations to assist our soaring youth achieve what Rick loved the most.
Donations are still being actively solicited and any funds can be made payable to:
The Minden Soaring Club
Richard Frederick Walters Scholarship
PO Box 361
Minden, Nevada 89423
Rick’s family and friends hope that the scholarship can be perpetuated over many years to assist our young pilots enjoy the success that Rick had. Please consider a tax-deductible donation.
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